Standards For Publication

Selection calendar for Volume 3:

• Deadline for paper submission: to be defined
• Editor’s email for paper submission: to be defined


1. Papers (one per group or per author) must be sent by email at Word for Windows program (recent version), with identification of the author(s), additional email, in addition to the type of work (article, review or essay) and identification of the area in which the work is inserted (linguistics, literature, education, other).

two.The first page should include the title, in capital letters, the author’s name, at the bottom right, and the institution, below the name, in parentheses.

3. Limit of pages: between 6 and 10 pages of Word.

4. Font: Arial, body 10.

5. Spacing: 1.5 space between lines and paragraphs; double space between parts and between texts and examples, quotes, tables, illustrations, etc.

6. Quotes and examples: blocked and with two spaces (beginning and end), separating them from the rest of the text to highlight them.

7.Tables, illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphs, etc) and attachments are counted in the total page limit. For attachments that constitute original texts already published, include a complete bibliographic reference, as well as permission from the editors for publication.

8. The text must be presented in the following sequence: title of the work, name(s) of the author(s), abstract in Portuguese / keywords; abstract / key words; resumé/mots-clé.

• Title: centered, in capital letters, in bold.

• Subtitles: without indentation, numbered in Arabic numerals (Introduction O); only the first letter of each subtitle capitalized.

• Name(s) of the author(s): two lines below the title, on the right; capital letters for initials only.
a) Acronym of the affiliation institution of the author(s): in parentheses, below the name(s) of the author(s).
b) Indication of the e-mail below the name of the author(s).

• Abstract: the word RESUMO, followed by a colon, in capital letters, two lines below the name of the author and his institution, without indentation. In the same line, the beginning of the abstract text, which must have between 40 and 60 words in italics.

• Keywords: the word KEYWORDS, in capital letters, followed by a colon, one line below the end of the Abstract and two above the beginning of the text, without indentation. Keywords should be limited to three.

•Abstract: the word ABSTRACT, followed by a colon, in capital letters, three lines below the abstract, without indentation. On the same line, the beginning of the Abstract text, which must have between 40 and 60 words in italics.

• Key words: the words KEY WORDS, in capital letters, followed by a colon, one line below the end of the Abstract and two lines above the beginning of the text, without indentation. Key words must be limited to three.

• Resumé: the word RESUMÉ, followed by a colon, in capital letters, three lines below the abstract, without indentation. In the same line, the beginning of the text of the Resumé, which must have between 40 and 60 words in italics.

• Mots-clé: the words Mots-clé, in capital letters, followed by a colon, one line below the end of the Abstract and two lines above the beginning of the text, without indentation. The mots-clé should be limited to three.

•References in the body of the work: in parentheses, made through the identification date of the work, followed by a colon and the number(s) of the cited page(s), (when applicable) .
9. The Journal will publish the following texts: articles, reviews and essays.

• Articles – Texts of variable size, between six and ten pages, containing analysis, reflection and conclusion on academic or professional topics;

• Reviews – Texts with variable dimensions, between two and three pages, containing the registration and criticism of works, books, theses, monographs, etc., recently published;

• Essays – Texts with variable dimensions, between six and ten pages;
10. The authors of texts not accepted for publication will be informed of the fact by the editor of the Journal, via e-mail.